All our plugins are ready to be translated into other languages. Before localizing a plugin, check for the existing translation.

Open the plugin’s page on your language in the WordPress repository. Here’s an example for Auto Post Thumbnail:

Note that fr in the URL above determines the page language. If the plugin is not translated to your language, the page content remains in English

If the plugin is not translated into your language, you will see the following:

Follow the link you see in the block.

A new page with a list of languages opens. Search for your language here. If found, choose the item for translation: a plugin page or a plugin interface.


Development – the plugin interface

Development Readme

Click on the number in the corresponding column (Development or Development Readme).

On this page, you will see a list of phrases available for translation. Double-click on the line you’d like to translate.

Before translating the plugin, we recommend reading a WordPress translation guide. It will help you translate correctly and post this translation for the whole world to use! 

However, feel free to skip this recommendation if you plan to translate a plugin for your clients or personal use.

So, you have finished the translation and don’t know what to do next.

Now you need to approve this translation. To do so, you need to be a translation editor. Go back to the plugin localization page and click on your language.

Submit a form to become a translation editor.

If you don’t want to be a translation editor or can’t submit the form, ask any existing editor to verify your translation.

You can contact other editors via Slack. If you open the editor’s profile, you will see his or her Slack username.

Translation via third-party tools

Our plugin supports translation files (.po or .mo) with the plugin interface. You can create a translation file in the plugin folder using this path: the website’s folder/wp-content/plugin’s slug/languages/. Here’s how the destination path looks for Auto Post Thumbnail: the website’s folder/wp-content/auto-post-thumbnail/languages/

By default, the languages folder doesn’t exist. You need to create it manually inside the plugin folder. Then add the translation file to the languages folder.

Translation in Poedit

This software is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux. It’s a great translation tool in case you don’t like using a browser. Before you start, we recommend checking its documentation.

A quick checklist for translating via Poedit:

  • install Poedit;
  • download a translation file.

Select Portable Object Message Catalog (.po/.pot) and press Export. That is how you grab the plugin translation file.

  • translate the file in Poedit;
  • save the changes;
  • upload it back to the repository.

Import the .po file from the same page you have used for exporting the file.

Translation in the WordPress dashboard

Loco Translate is a WordPress plugin for editing .po files in the browser. Install and activate the plugin. Then follow the instructions to translate a plugin.


Each time WordPress updates the plugin automatically, all custom files in the plugin directory will be erased. Make sure to create a backup copy of your .po and .mo files. It helps to keep your translation safe until it has been uploaded and approved in the WordPress directory.

How to translate several lines

If you need to edit or translate a few lines in the plugin, use Say What. It’s a simple plugin that helps to translate individual lines right from the WordPress dashboard.

How to translate a premium version of our plugin?

In this case, use Poedit or a WordPress plugin that enables translation inside the WordPress dashboard. Translations of premium versions are not stored in the WordPress repository.

Can I get a reward for my translation?

If you have translated a plugin to a new language, we will be happy to give you a premium version of the plugin for free!

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